Congratulations to Red Barn Farm of Northfield. Over the past few years, the Winter family has notably survived a tornado and a global pandemic and is still going strong with their Pizza Night on the farm every Wednesday from May to October.
A tornado destroyed the Red Barn in 2018 The rebuilt Red Barn in 2021 The comfortable indoor seating to wait out the summer storm
With a beautiful new red barn and an easy-to-use online reservation system, Red Barm Farm of Northfield has evolved and adapted to the string of challenges that continue to pop up.
Since I was only in town for one week, I knew that I would be showing up at Pizza Night for my reservation despite the possibilities of severe storms. For years I have had good luck taking those kind of chances on pizza nights. Summer storms in the Midwest are unpredictable and common. I gave up on letting an ugly weather forecast deter me from a Pizza Night years ago. Nothing beats a perfect summer evening on the farm, but some of the storms I have traveled through or sat through huddled over my pizza and beer have provided some of the most memorable Pizza Farm moments. I have accumulated some very helpful all-weather Pizza Gear that I had a chance to show off and share including a pizza hat, a pizza umbrella hat, and a pizza sweatshirt!
Zadie borrowed my Christmas Pizza in Space sweatshirt. A perfect fit! Trying to keep our heads dry!
Our trip to Red Barn Farm on July 14 started with heavy rains, a muddy walk through the parking area up to the new barn, and a low guest turn out leaving our group with plenty of space to hang our raincoats and umbrellas around to dry. I was meeting up with two other cars of old friends and we all discussed the possibility of sitting this Pizza Night out, but in the end, we all squared our shoulders to the storm and went headfirst into the storm. The Red Barn Farm of Pizza made the trip worthwhile. As always, the pies came out of the oven looking and tasting amazing. The seasonal one was one of my top choices. Everyone found something they could enjoy.
The timing was near perfect. Just as we finished our meal of Red Barn’s beautiful pizzas, the rain began to let up. By the time that pizza was digesting, the sun had come out and the evening had turned into a beautiful summer evening ideal for running around looking for farm animals and farm cats and exploring the grounds in rain boots.
We ended up staying late into the evening and it was a great setting for me to catch up with old friends, overeat, get a nice buzz off some local beers, and then work off some of the calories by running around, exploring, and flipping kids upside down. By the time we left, most of us were feeling tired out in the most satisfying way. The luckiest of us were able to snuggle up in a Christmas Pizza in Space sweatshirt and “take the shortcut” back to Minneapolis.